
Exams are held at Quicksteps School of dancing twice a year in all various styles of dance, which is verified by an external examiner from the I.D.T.A, and recognised by the department of education. Dancers talents are rewarded with certificates and medals and are presented at presentation nights throughout the year.


Are a fun and exciting way for pupils progress their talents into higher degree of dancing, we are established in the ADFP competition field for freestyle dancing, attending competitions on average twice a month, we also hold fundraising throughout the year to help towards costs.Dancers talents are rewarded with certificates and medals and are presented at presentation nights throughout the year.

Annual Dance Shows

All pupils are invited to take part in our annual show which is an exciting way for parents and family to see dancers progress throughout the year. This a great way for dancers to achieve confidence have the chance to perform their talents on stage. Please see our events page for show dates etc.  Pupils wishing to extend their dance performing skills into singing and acting are welcome to take part in local pantomimes and our musical theatre production

Displays and Carnivals

We take part in local carnivals, displays and charity events, please see the event page for dates

Children’s Dance Uniform. There is a set uniform to be worn in lessons, please see teachers for prices, if you are new to the school please wear comfortable clothing and footwear appropriate to the style of dance you are taking part in. Strictly no jeans, Low cut tops and jewellery, chewing gum is not allowed in any dance classes.

You can order direct from Intensedance.